Our mission is to share with you the tools, knowledge and practical solutions so that you can enjoy your favorite Outdoor activities by yourself. I invite you to take advantage of all the content.
Your feedback is very important to us.
This will help us to better serve you and offer you a better content and experience.
We want to grow together and your opinion is very important to us.
Operating instructions:
- To view all the courses and digital content that you have contracted, go to “MY ACCOUNT” (in the header of the web).
- You can modify or consult any data related to your profile in “MY ACCOUNT” > “EDIT PROFILE“
- You can view all the videos and content to which you have access as many times as you want and without any predetermined order.
- Once you reach the end of a video, it will be marked as “COMPLETED“.
- At the end of the topics or courses you will find a Test. They are optional, and their objective is for you to validate for yourself if you have understood the most important concepts of each course. You can do them as many times as necessary.
- To obtain the certificate of completion of the course it is necessary to have marked all the classes as “COMPLETED” and to have obtained a score higher than 75% in the course tests. In that case you will automatically receive the Certificate.