Trail Running with Pau Capell

Running techniques

Improve your running form with Pau Capell. Discover the mountain running techniques used by the Trail Running world champion.

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  • Activity: Trail Running
  • Classes:18
  • Duration: 3h dedication / 1.5h videos
  • Type: All levels
  • Spanish Language
  • Subtitles: No
  • Downloadable Resources: No
  • Diploma: yes
Trail Running con Pau Capell. Curso Online B4Experience


  • Improve your technique, correctly position the body and feet
  • Strategies to face a career
  • Optimize the use of poles, hands and body position
  • The essential race material


Learn the correct Trail Running techniques and apply them on the mountain.
Pau Capell will teach you how to place your foot on each type of terrain (fundamental to avoid injuries). How to correctly position the body to use the minimum energy in our activities and also how to correctly use the poles and hands in all kinds of climbs.

Discover which are the strategies to make the best line and how to face the different sections of a race.

Finally, we refresh the essential concepts such as what characteristics our material should have.

This course is part of the course pack:
Pack Trail running. All keys.

Get the whole pack at the best price with all the essential knowledge of trail running. Training, technique and nutrition.


This course is not only for those who want to start in the world of trail running, but also for those who have been practicing this sport for years. Where getting a good technique and avoiding injuries are their main objectives.

1 Presentation of the course

Presentation of the course “Trailrunning with Pau Capell”

This course is not to show you how I run, it is for you to learn to run better. Presentation of the course “Trailrunning with Pau Capell” by his teacher, Pau Capell. Who I am? What is the syllabus of the course? What will you learn?

2 min.
2 Mountain running technique in FLAT areas, trail running with Pau Capell

Mountain race technique in FLAT areas

A correct footprint is essential to optimize energy, but also to avoid injuries. The basic technique is learning to run correctly on the flat

3 min.
3 The best techniques for CLIMBS in trail running, trail running with Pau Capell

The best techniques for CLIMBS in trail running

Apply and adapt the tread that we use on the plain to the climbs. A correct footprint is essential to optimize energy, but also to avoid injuries.

1 min.
4 Downhill race technique, feel the terrain, trail running with Pau Capell

Downhill race technique, feel the terrain

Downhill technique is essential to win races, but also to avoid ending up on the ground. We will learn two lowering techniques: the conservative and the aggressive. Feel the ground and become aware of the foot!

6 min.
5 Correct position of the body to run on PLANE, trail running with Pau Capell

Correct position of the body to run on the PLANE

If you spend less energy running correctly you will be able to run more and faster. Running is not just the feet, we must be aware of how to position the whole body (arms, head, butt, inclination…), so we can optimize our energy

4 minutes
6 Correct position of the body in UPRISING running and walking, trail running with Pau Capell

Correct position of the body in RISE running and walking

If going up is always tiring, can you imagine not doing it correctly? Fundamental concepts to correctly position the body both in a smooth running climb and in a strong climb walking and helping our hands.

6 min.
7 Use of poles in trail running, trail running with Pau Capell

Use of poles in trail running

The canes can be a great ally if we know how to use them correctly. With the correct cane technique you will get less tired or go faster. But it is not easy, you must first learn the theory and then practice.

9 min.
8 Do we use POLES on the descents?, trail running with Pau Capell

Do we use POLES on the descents?

What happens with the use of the poles downhill? Learn to appreciate when you have to and when you don’t have to use them

3 min.
9 When to RESERVE or be AGGRESSIVE in a race, trail running with Pau Capell

When to RESERVE or be AGGRESSIVE in a race

It’s not always time to risk. Learn to correctly assess the terrain and its risks to be more or less aggressive in a section of the route. If you always go to the limit, the easiest thing is that you end up on the sofa injured

4 minutes
10 How to Plot a good descent, trail running with Pau Capell

How to Plot a good run down

Anticipating is the basis, but in each field it is done in a different way. Learn the basic concepts to draw the best route downhill. Look up and anticipate.

3 min.
11 The importance of PLANTING on the flat and uphill, trail running with Pau Capell

The importance of Plotting in plane and ascent

Anticipating is the basis, but in each field it is done in a different way. Learn the basic concepts to draw the best route on the flat and uphill.

4 minutes
12 The MENTALITY to face trail running races, trail running with Pau Capell

The MENTALITY to face trail running races

A reflection on the importance of seeking goals and having support to get where we set out. Find a foothold in your life and you will move the world (free interpretation of Archimedes by B4Experience)

3 min.
13 VESTS for running in the mountains, trail running with Pau Capell

VESTS for running in the mountains

It is important that your running vest has several things. We are going to review the most essential for each type of distance.

3 min.
14 What CLOTHES should I wear to run?, trail running with Pau Capell

What CLOTHES should I wear to run?

The necessary details of the clothes you wear to practice trail running. Avoid chafing, one of the most widespread problems we can have.

3 min.
15 The rest of the MANDATORY EQUIPMENT, trail running with Pau Capell


The details of the rest of the materials that you have to use for a correct practice of trail running. Most of it is mandatory in most races.

3 min.
16 The GPS WATCH, an inseparable companion, trail running with Pau Capell

The GPS WATCH, an inseparable companion

Why do we use this type of watches? Follow a route, record the one we are doing, measure all our parameters to be able to measure and improve our training.

1 min.
17 Considerations in trail running SHOES, trail running with Pau Capell

Considerations in trail running SHOES

We review all the concepts that affect the choice of your shoes: types of tread, insoles, drop, carbon plates, types of sole, etc.

6 min.

TEST, validates everything learned

10 min.


Our Staff is made up of professionals with proven experience that will pass on all their years of knowledge to you in a 100% flexible format.

We also rely on collaborators and commercial international brands to provide us with their technical knowledge.


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