Mountaineering Pack – All Winter Mountain

All about Mountaineering, Avalanches and Skimo

Feel the winter mountain and know the secrets it hides. Climb through snow corridors, manage the risk of avalanches and go down the mountain skis in complete safety. Take the essential equipment and use it correctly.

4.9 out of 5 stars (based on 159 reviews)


  • Activity: Mountaineering, Ski Mountaineering
  • Classes: 135
  • Duration: 18h dedication / 9h videos
  • Type: All levels
  • Spanish Language
  • Subtitles: No
  • Downloadable Resources: Yes
  • Diploma: yes
Curso online montaña invernal


  • Basic knowledge of mountaineering
  • Climb in snow corridors
  • Avalanche risk management
  • Ski mountaineering techniques


Learn all the indispensable knowledge of the winter mountain!

Complete pack that brings together all the courses and knowledge of the WINTER MOUNTAIN. Ideal for all those lovers who enjoy trips to the mountains in winter.

The pack includes the courses of:
Mountaineering level 1: Initiation to the winter mountains
Mountaineering level 2: Climbing in snow corridors
Mountaineering level 3: Climbing on ice, rock and snow
Mountain skiing, all the keys
Avalanche risk management


This course is aimed at all mountain lovers who want to get started in the world of winter mountains as well as those who want to acquire deeper knowledge and techniques in order to be safer and get the most out of the activity.

1 Alpinismo 1. Qué ENCONTRARÁS en este curso

Mountaineering 1. What you WILL FIND in this course

A summary that focuses the objectives, agenda of the course and the possible previous and subsequent knowledge that you can do with us

2 min.

2 Típos de CRAMPONES, ligeros, automáticos, rígidos,correas...

Types of CRAMPONS, light, automatic, rigid, straps…

All types of crampons, which ones are useful and which ones are not for the activity we want to carry out. There are 3 factors that we must take into account.

8 min.

3 Evitar ACCIDENTES con crampones

Avoid ACCIDENTS with crampons

Adjusting the straps and wearing an antiboot will be key to avoiding many accidents with crampons.

2 min.

4 Importancia del ANTIBOOT para crampones

Importance of the ANTIBOOT for crampons

The importance of antiboot and the consequences of some homemade tricks

3 min.

5 Cómo MANTENER mis crampones

How to MAINTAIN my crampons

Todo el material se desgasta a lo largo del tiempo. Hacer un mantenimiento será imprescindible para alargar su vida útil.

5 min.

6 Típos de PIOLETS, técnicos, alpinismo, travesia...

Típos de PIOLETS, técnicos, alpinismo, travesia…

Hay 3 elementos que caracterizan los piolets, escoger el más adecuado dependerá de la actividad que queramos realizar.

7 min.

7 Cómo MANTENER mi piolet

Cómo MANTENER mi piolet

Limar correctamente el piolet y hacerle un buen mantenimiento nos permitirá sacarle mayor rendimiento.

5 min.

8 Reflexión sobre LLEVAR ATADO el piolet

Reflexión sobre LLEVAR ATADO el piolet

Llevar el piolet atado tiene ventajas e inconvenientes. Antes de tomar una decisión debemos valorar las consecuencias.

3 min.

9 Andar con crampones, TÉCNICA FRANCESA de progresión

Andar con crampones, TÉCNICA FRANCESA de progresión

Para hacer una correcta progresión utilizando la técnica francesa, necesitaremos clavar todas la puntas y alinear la zancada con nuestro centro de gravedad.

4 min.

10 Andar con crampones, OTRAS TÉCNICAS de progresión

Andar con crampones, OTRAS TÉCNICAS de progresión

Existen 2 técnicas de progresión alternativas que también podemos utilizar en ascensos.

1 min.

11 AUTODETENCIÓN con piolet, parase en una caida

AUTODETENCIÓN con piolet, parase en una caida

Nuestra reacción en el primer segundo de caída va a ser decisivo para el desenlace. Tener el piolet en una correcta posición nos puede salvar la vida.

2 min.

12 EJEMPLOS de autodetencion con piolet

EJEMPLOS de autodetencion con piolet

Asimilar y automatizar los sistemas de parada según la posición inicial de caída será imprescindible para autodetenernos.

3 min.

13 AUTODETENCIÓN sin piolet, también te puedes parar

AUTODETENCIÓN sin piolet, también te puedes parar

¿Debemos utilizar los crampones para frenar una caída? Clavar los crampones no será una buena idea. Por lo contrario, deberemos ayudarnos de los bastones.

4 min.

14 Algunos TRUCOS IMPRESCINDIBLES en la montaña nevada

Algunos TRUCOS IMPRESCINDIBLES en la montaña nevada

Conoce los trucos de guardado del material que te permitirán ganar en velocidad y comodidad.

5 min.

15 B4Experience

TEST, valida todo lo aprendido

Valora por ti mismo si has comprendido correctamente toda la teoría

10 min.

1 Mountaineering 2. What you WILL FIND in this course

Mountaineering 2. What you WILL find in this course

In this course you will find all the climbing techniques in snow corridors.

1 min.
2 Types of ROPES, single, double, twin…

Types of ROPES, single, double, twin…

Finding the ropes that best suit each type of activity will be essential to be well insured. Know the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

10 min.
3 EIGHT KNOT, essential climbing knots

EIGHT KNOT, essential climbing knots

In climbing, knowing how to tie safety knots is essential. The eight is the most important.

3 min.
4 COW TAIL KNOT, how to join two ropes

COW TAIL KNOT, how to join two ropes

How should we join two strings? Cow tail is the answer.

2 min.
5 KNOT BALLESTRINQUE, how to anchor to a meeting

KNOT BALLESTRINQUE, how to anchor to a meeting

To anchor ourselves in a meeting we will use the Ballestrinque knot. This will allow us to regulate the length of the rope.

3 min.
6 MACHARD KNOT climbing and rappelling

MACHARD KNOT climbing and rappelling

The machard knot will be in charge of securing us in a rappel due to its blocking and anti-blocking capacity.

3 min.
7 snow climbing ANCHOR

snow climbing ANCHOR

If we find ourselves in a corridor and we don’t have a place to set up a meeting, the snow will be our goal.

7 min.
8 How to make a SNOW MUSHROOM

How to make a SNOW MUSHROOM

Discover how to mount a snow mushroom and when they should be used.

7 min.


To climb snow corridors correctly, we must know the gestural techniques according to slopes and types of snow.

4 minutes
10 PREPARE to climb runners

PREPARE to climb runners

Before going up a corridor you must be properly equipped. Having control of all the material will be essential to start climbing.

3 min.
11 Protect yourself from FALLS from above in corridors

Protect yourself from FALLS from above in corridors

Climbing a corridor is dangerous, so it is very important to protect yourself from possible falls. Knowing where to climb it will be decisive.

3 min.
12 More essential TRICKS for CLIMBING in winter

More essential TRICKS for CLIMBING in winter

There are many tricks for folding material that allow you to gain safety, speed and comfort.

5 min.

TEST, validates everything learned

10 min.
1 Mountaineering 3. What you WILL FIND in this course

Mountaineering 3. What you WILL find in this course

In this course you will find all the developed concepts of the security technique and the gestural technique in the winter mountains.

1 min.
2 How to use ICE ICE ICE AXI correctly

How to use ICE ICE ICE AXI correctly

To anchor the ice ax on the ice, movement of the wrist is necessary. The thumb and little finger will be essential to perform the correct movement.

3 min.
3 How to use CRAMPONS correctly on ICE

How to use CRAMPONS correctly on ICE

Not using the correct technique to nail the crampons will be an additional effort. In the worst case you can fall.

3 min.
4 Ice ax technique TRACTION and alternatives

Ice ax technique TRACTION and alternatives

What is the best progression technique with an ice ax? Discover which corresponds to your level.

4 minutes
5 Climbing on MIXED TERRAIN, rock and ice

Climbing on MIXED TERRAIN, rock and ice

Combining rock and ice is an art. Some quality details will make it easier for you.

4 minutes
6 How to put an ICE SCREW

How to put an ICE SCREW

Discover all the steps to correctly place a screw in the ice easily and safely.

4 minutes
7 How to RIDE REETING on ice

How to RIDE REETING on ice

It is essential to learn how to set up an ice meet correctly and safely. Much of the information we find on the internet is wrong.

6 min.
8 Ice rappelling, ABALAKOV 1

Ice rappelling, ABALAKOV 1

Detailed technique on how to rappel on ice without having to abandon the material.

5 min.
9 Ice rappelling, ABALAKOV 2

Ice rappelling, ABALAKOV 2

But can I really rappel down a small hole in the ice?

2 min.
10 Use FRIENDS and FISUREROS correctly

Use FRIENDS and FISUREROS correctly

Rock walls have great options to protect you from a fall. Will we know how to place the friend and the embedder correctly?

3 min.
11 The 4 MISTAKES when placing FRIENDS

The 4 MISTAKES when placing FRIENDS

Avoid the 4 most common mistakes when placing a friend.

3 min.
12 NATURAL ANCHORS, rock bridge

NATURAL ANCHORS, rock bridge

Take advantage of all the options that the rock gives you; the natural enclave par excellence.

1 min.
13 RIDE REUNION with friends on rock

RIDE REUNION with friends on rock

Discover all the steps to carry out a meeting on the rock with floating insurance. Finding the ideal place to anchor ourselves will be key.

5 min.
14 How to BELAY in Climbing, SECOND roped

How to BELAY in Climbing, SECOND roped

It is not the same to secure the first as the second of the roped. Using the back correctly will minimize the impact to the meeting.

2 min.
15 How to BELAY in Climbing, FIRST roped

How to BELAY in Climbing, FIRST roped

How should we secure the first of the roped?

1 min.
16 2 essential TRICKS in ICE climbing

2 essential TRICKS in ICE climbing

Ice climbing is very dangerous. Evaluating the consequences in each situation is necessary. Use these two tricks.

2 min.
17 ABSEIL ABANDONMENT, single rope


The time always comes when we must abseil from abandonment. How should we do it with simple rope?

3 min.
17 B4Experience

TEST, validates everything learned

10 min.
1 Presentation of the course, AST1 Avalanches

Course presentation

Presentation of the course “Avalanche risk management. Online part of the STA1 by Avalanche Canada.” Who I am?

2 min.
2 The 6 OBJECTIVES of the course, AST1 Avalanches

The 6 OBJECTIVES of the course

The risks of being trapped in an avalanche, its possible consequences and the techniques that we will use to minimize them.

2 min.
3 The AVALANCHE TRIANGLE - 3 key factors, AST1 Avalanches

The AVALANCHE TRIANGLE – 3 key factors

The avalanche triangle will allow us to identify the degree of danger on the ground. There are 3 factors that we must take into account.

2 min.
4 B4Experience

TEST 1: Introduction to AVALANCHE MANAGEMENT in the field

Evaluate for yourself if you have correctly understood all the theory.

10 min.
5 The 6 TRAPS of the MIND - The right decision, AST1 Avalanches

The 6 TRAPS of the MIND – The right decision

93% of fatal accidents occur due to our own decisions. Knowing the 6 mental traps and not letting them condition us will be key to making the right decisions.

5 min.
6 HEURISTIC Traps - The SHORTCUTS of our brain, AST1 Avalanches

HEURISTIC Traps – The SHORTCUTS of our brain

Making the best decisions is complicated. To do this, we should not be letting heuristic traps play a trick on us.

5 min.
7 How to MANAGE RISK, AST1 Avalanches


Being clear about all the variables that amplify or reduce risk is essential to be able to manage it.

5 min.
8 B4Experience

TEST 2: The human factor

Evaluate for yourself if you have correctly understood all the theory.

10 min.
9 GROUND SAFETY - Our main ALLY, AST1 Avalanches


The terrain is one of the factors in the avalanche triangle. Knowing it will allow us to manage it better.

1 min.
10 The 3 PARTS of an AVALANCHE, AST1 Avalanches


Knowing how to identify the different parts that make up an avalanche is necessary.

1 min.
11 AST1 Avalanches GROUND elevation BANDS

GROUND elevation BANDS

There are 3 terrain elevation bands. The alpine is usually the starting point of most avalanches.

2 min.
12 AST1 Avalanches ANGLE of SLOPE - Main factor of AVALANCHES


There are particular factors that help determine the severity of the terrain in the avalanche. The angle of the slope is one of them.

3 min.
13 AST1 Avalanches SIZE and SHAPE of the SIDE - The art of finding a ROUTE

SIZE and SHAPE of the SIDE – The art of finding a ROUTE

The size and shape of the avalanche is proportional to the size of the slope. Finding the perfect route is an art.

3 min.
14 AST1 Avalanches ROUGH GROUND and forest cover

GROUND ROUGHNESS and forest cover

The roughness of the terrain and forest cover will be key to favoring the possibility of an avalanche.

3 min.
15 AST1 Avalanches ATES Maps - ROUTE Planning

ATES Maps – ROUTE Planning

The day before departure, taking an ATES map is the best option to correctly plan the route.

3 min.
16 AST1 Avalanches TERRAIN TRAPS - What if we get stuck?

TERRAIN TRAPS – What if we get stuck?

Terrain traps are elements that we should always include in our planning.

2 min.
17 B4Experience

TEST 3: The terrain

ConseValue for yourself if you have correctly understood all the theory.

10 min.
18 AST1 Avalanches TRIGGERS of AVALANCHES - Natural and human

TRIGGERS of AVALANCHES – Natural and human

We all know what the consequences of an avalanche are. But what about your triggers?

3 min.
19 AST1 Avalanches AVALANCHES according to the type of OUTPUT and SNOW - Classification

AVALANCHES according to the type of OUTPUT and SNOW – Classification

We can distinguish the types of avalanches depending on the type of exit and the state of the snow. Identifying them correctly is essential.

4 minutes
20 AST1 Avalanches The LAYERS of the SNOW COVER


Snow deposited on a slope is made up of different layers. The whole set is known as the snow cover.

3 min.
21 AST1 Avalanches The 5 typical PROBLEMS of AVALANCHES


There are 5 typical avalanche problems. Identifying them will be key.

8 min.
22 AST1 Avalanches SIZE of AVALANCHES - The 5 SCALES


We classify avalanches into 5 size scales. Its consequences can be devastating.

2 min.
23 AST1 Off-piste avalanches in SKI resorts

OFF PISTES in SKI resorts

The off-piste in ski resorts is a terrain susceptible to avalanches.

1 min.
24 AST1 Avalanches The 5 warning SIGNS

The 5 Warning SIGNS

The mountain usually gives us clues about what can happen. We must pay attention to the 5 warning signs.

5 min.
25 AST1 Avalanches How to IDENTIFY AVALANCHE activity in a TERRAIN


How can we detect if there have been avalanches? The vegetation will give us an answer.

1 min.
26 B4Experience

TEST, validates everything learned

10 min.
1 AST1 Avalanches The BPA - Avalanche Hazard Bulletin

The BPA – Avalanche Hazard Bulletin

The avalanche danger bulletin is a large-scale practical report. Its indicators will give you clues that you cannot miss.

5 min.


Practical example to understand BPA.

4 minutes
3 AST1 Avalanches AVALUATOR 2.0 - Part 1

AVALUATOR 2.0 – Part 1

The evaluator 2.0 is designed to help us make decisions. Still, we have the last word.

4 minutes
4 AST1 Avalanches AVALUATOR 2.0 - Part 2

AVALUATOR 2.0 – Part 2

Is the terrain I want to travel safe? The evaluator 2.0 will help us to identify it.

5 min.
5 AST1 Avalanches PLAN the ROUTE - Daily process

PLAN THE ROUTE – Daily process

Before venturing we must plan the route. Following the daily process will prevent us from leaving any loose ends.

5 min.
6 AST1 Avalanches CHECK CONDITIONS - Daily process


Checking the ground conditions is the 4th point of the daily process. This will help us to validate the BPA information.

1 min.
7 AST1 Avalanches Habits of CIRCULATION on the MOUNTAIN


Having good driving habits will prevent many potential incidents. Find out what they are!

4 minutes
8 AST1 Avalanches Strategy to REDUCE RISK and UNCERTAINTY


To reduce the risk of avalanche we must take into account 4 factors. Otherwise, we will be exposed to danger.

3 min.
9 AST1 Avalanches REFLECTIONS - After the start

REFLECTIONS – After departure

To improve our level of experience it is essential to make a general reflection after the start.

2 min.
10 AST1 Avalanches HOMEOSTASIS of risk


What perception do we have of ourselves? And what about the risk?

1 min.
11 AST1 Avalanches PROTOCOL 3X3 - Decision making

3X3 PROTOCOL – Decision making

Understanding what is happening is not enough, a protocol must be followed. This protocol is known as 3×3.

6 min.
17 B4Experience

TEST 5: Assessment of avalanche danger

Evaluate for yourself if you have correctly understood all the theory

10 min.
1 INTRODUCTION to ski mountaineering, what will you find in this course?, ski mountaineering

INTRODUCTION to ski mountaineering, what will you find in this course?

Here you will find all the basic techniques so that you can perform the different ski mountaineering progression techniques in the most correct way and with the greatest possible efficiency.

2 min.
2 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW before starting SKIMO, ski mountaineering


Understanding where we are moving and the limitations of this course is essential to avoid accidents. The snowy mountain is a hostile terrain, knowing how to ski is not enough

3 min.
3 How to correctly put on SEAL SKINS, ski mountaineering

How to properly put on SEAL SKINS

What types of leather are there and which are the most suitable for each use. How to avoid mistakes when placing the skins once or several times

5 min.
4 How to REMOVE seal skins, ski mountaineering

How to REMOVE seal skins

How to easily remove and fold the skins in any weather situation. The first step to not have problems on the next climb.

2 min.
5 Solve 4 PROBLEMS, seal skins, ski mountaineering

Solve 4 PROBLEMS, seal skins

Let’s avoid the most common problems: clogs, lack of grip… and bring the minimum material to get you out of one of the most common troubles in ski touring

2 min.
6 How to AVOID CLOGS under the skins, ski mountaineering

How to AVOID CLOGS under fur

Some tricks to avoid the most common problems: clogs on the skins and minimize their weight.

3 min.
7 ATTACH BINDINGS easily, ski touring


The light bindings are great, they weigh much less than the old bindings. They only have one problem, until you get the hang of it, it takes a bit for the two pins to fit into the holes in the boot.

4 minutes
8 How to FASTEN ski poles, ski mountaineering

How to ATTACH ski poles

How to use the leashes of the ski poles. They are very helpful but depending on the situation it is better not to use them for safety, we will see when.

3 min.
9 TECHNIQUE and correct MOVEMENTS in ski mountaineering, ski mountaineering

TECHNIQUE and correct MOVEMENTS in ski mountaineering

The basis of all climbing movements is learned on the flat. Controlling this technique correctly we will be able to control the entire base of the progression on the ascent.

5 min.
10 TECHNIQUE of skimo in RISE, ski mountaineering


There are many types of climbs, we are going to see the correct general technique. All the details of the flat progression technique applied to the climbs.

2 min.
11 Climbing skis in DEEP SNOW, ski mountaineering

Skiing in DEEP SNOW

We are going to look at how to face the climb in the least tiring way possible before the big descent. The most suitable techniques for deep snow

4 minutes
12 progression difficult terrain skimo: NON-COHESIVE SNOW, ski mountaineering

Skimo difficult terrain progression: NON-COHESIVE SNOW

The most appropriate techniques for difficult snow: non-cohesive snow is the one that slides when you step on it due to its lack of consistency.

2 min.
13 Skimo difficult terrain progression: HARD SNOW, ski mountaineering

Difficult terrain skimo progression: HARD SNOW

The most appropriate techniques for difficult snow: hard snow. Climbing on hard snow carries the added risk of a potential fall.

3 min.
14 BASIC TURN in ski mountaineering, ski mountaineering

BASIC TURN in ski mountaineering

In the turns, a lot of energy is consumed if they are not done correctly, a correct and accurate technique is essential to reach higher and further.

2 min.
15 How to do the VUELTA MARÍA, ski mountaineering

How to do the MARY TOUR

The maria turn or convergence is the most common turn to do in a ski mountaineering climb. It is a much more technical move than most realize.

4 minutes
16 Tour Maria ALTERNATIVE with FREERIDE skis., ski mountaineering

Tour Maria ALTERNATIVE with FREERIDE skis.

The main problem when riding long or heavy skis is that turning is tiring. They are simply not performing the turn correctly.

2 min.
17 Vuelta María in DEEP SNOW, ski mountaineering

Vuelta María in DEEP SNOW

When we have to dig a trench because we have a pack of snow that has just fallen, the uphill turns can be more exhausting than the pleasure we are waiting for to come downhill.

3 min.
18 Remove SEAL SKIN, steps to follow, ski mountaineering

Remove SEAL SKIN, steps to follow

The correct technique to remove seal skins detailed step by step. The first temptation when reaching the top is to take off our skis and calmly remove the skins, but there is another, much more efficient way to make this change.

3 min.
19 REMOVING sealskin from BEHIND on normal skis, ski mountaineering

REMOVING sealskin from BEHIND on normal skis

If you think that fast skin changes are not possible for your touring skis, you are wrong.

3 min.
20 FAST and COMPETITION change in SKIMO, ski mountaineering


The most efficient skin change is the competition one, learn all the steps in detail.

2 min.
21 REMOVING mountain skis on a steep SLOPE, ski mountaineering

REMOVE mountain skis on a steep SLOPE

All the steps to take off your skis and put on crampons safely in exposed places.

6 min.
22 PLACE mountain skis on a steep SLOPE, ski mountaineering

PLACE mountain skis on a steep SLOPE.

All the steps to put on your skis safely in exposed places.

6 min.
23 How to PLACE skis in BACKPACK, ski mountaineering

How to PLACE skis in BACKPACK

The different techniques and details to store the skis depending on the situation in which we find ourselves: The competition system is the fastest both to store and to remove the skis from the backpack.

2 min.
24 STORE skis in a BACKPACK, other TECHNIQUES, ski mountaineering


There is a technique that allows us to store and remove the skis in any backpack faster than with competition material, we are going to explain the technique and see what limitations it has in terms of comfort.

4 minutes
25 How to CHOOSE the best ITINERARY in ski mountaineering, ski mountaineering

How to CHOOSE the best ITINERARY in ski mountaineering

Choosing the most appropriate route is an art, you have to follow some basic concepts and then practice and practice.

3 min.
26 Skimo in SKI RESORTS, ski mountaineering


The advantages and risks of skimo in ski resorts. The stations are a fully controlled place without the intrinsic risks of the mountain, such as avalanches.

2 min.
27 DANGERS in ski touring: TREES, ski touring

DANGERS in ski mountaineering: TREES

Avoid terrain traps: how to draw near trees to avoid accidents and avalanches

2 min.
28 DANGERS in ski mountaineering: ROCKS, ski mountaineering

DANGERS in ski mountaineering: ROCKS

Avoid terrain traps: how to draw near rocks to avoid accidents and avalanches

3 min.
29 How to go in a GROUP in Ski mountaineering, ski mountaineering

How to go in a GROUP in Ski Mountaineering

Progressing correctly in a group is the difference between increasing safety at the start and disaster.

2 min.
30 B4Experience

TEST, validates everything learned

Evaluate for yourself if you have correctly understood all the theory

10 min.
1 How to REPAIR Ski sole, ski touring

How to REPAIR Ski sole

The more you slide, the less you get tired. Discover how to repair the sole of skis.

3 min.
2 How to FILE ski edges, ski mountaineering

How to FILE ski edges

Discover how to file the 2 edges of the skis. Will a file suffice?

2 min.
3 How to WAX skis, ski mountaineering

How to WAX skis

Find the materials and steps to follow to correctly wax the skis. Take into account the pores in the sole of the skis.

6 min.
4 SEAL SKINS, what should I know, ski mountaineering

SEAL SKINS, what should I know

Find out what types of seal skins there are and which is the most optimal for your skis.

5 min.
5 , ski mountaineering Skins, TAIL change

Seal skins, TAIL change

Discover how to change the tail of the seal skins.

2 min.
6 AVOID snow CLOGS on skis, ski mountaineering

AVOID snow CLOGS on skis

Drip the wax on the skin and pass the iron so that it is very liquid.

3 min.
7 Ski MAINTENANCE, more considerations, ski mountaineering

Ski MAINTENANCE, more considerations

Avoid ski wear with good maintenance.

3 min.
1 What ski mountaineering pole do I NEED?, ski mountaineering

What ski mountaineering pole do I NEED?

There are several types of poles for ski mountaineering. It is not that some are better than others, it is that depending on your technique, the type of activity that you are going to do…

4 minutes
2 Types of DRAGONERAS for ski mountaineering, ski mountaineering

Types of DRAGONERAS for ski mountaineering

We help each other push the poles with the leash. But there are different types and we have to look at which one best suits our needs.

5 min.
3 Types of TOES in sticks according to the snow. , ski mountaineering

Types of TOES in sticks according to the snow.

If we usually go through an area with deep snow, it has nothing to do with going up a ski resort with hard snow.

3 min.
4 Types of MATERIAL in POLES, ski mountaineering


The material of our ski touring poles has important implications.

2 min.
5 The Size of the poles, ski mountaineering

The size of the canes

We are going to explain three different techniques to decide what size of ski mountaineering poles to choose.

3 min.
6 Binding parts, ski touring

Parts of the bindings

To correctly choose the type of binding that best suits your type of ski, it is essential to first understand all the parts of the different bindings.

4 minutes
7 Binding strength, ski touring

Strength in fixings

Most of the ski mountaineering bindings allow you to regulate the force of the binding so that they jump when we fall.

1 min.
8 Competition bindings, ski touring

Competition bindings

We detail all the parts and features that the different models of ski mountaineering competition bindings can offer.

3 min.
9 SPEED TOURING bindings, ski mountaineering


We detail all the parts and features that the different models of SPEED TOURING ski mountaineering bindings can offer.

2 min.
10 TOURING bindings, ski touring

TOURING bindings

We detail all the parts and features that the different models of TOURING bindings can offer in ski mountaineering.

3 min.
11 Freeride bindings, ski touring

Freeride bindings

We detail all the parts and features offered by Freeride bindings. Find the details and technology that make them exclusive.

4 minutes
12 BIND skis or put BRAKES on skimo?, ski mountaineering

BIND skis or put BRAKES on skimo?

Find the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 binding systems and choose whether to tie the skis or apply brakes.

6 min.


Our Staff is made up ofprofessionals with proven experienceon his land thatthey will pass on all their years of knowledge to you in a 100% flexible format.

We also rely oncollaborators and brands of international prestige to provide us with their technical knowledge.


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Free Cinema - Ski Mountaineering - 18min
Free Cinema - Mountaineering - 37min
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In-person Course - Mountaineering - 1 day